10.Product of Array Except Self
Solution I : (Using Extra Space)
Create two array prefix and suffix of length n, i.e length of the original array, initilize prefix[0] = 1 and suffix[n-1] = 1 and also another array to store the product.
Traverse the array from second index to end.
For every index i update prefix[i] as prefix[i] = prefix[i-1] * array[i-1], i.e store the product upto i-1 index from the start of array.
Traverse the array from second last index to start.
For every index i update suffix[i] as suffix[i] = suffix[i+1] * array[i+1], i.e store the product upto i+1 index from the end of array
Traverse the array from start to end.
For every index i the output will be prefix[i] * suffix[i], the product of the array element except that element.
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