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Stack and Queue
Stack and Queue
1.Min Stack
Last updated
3 years ago
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1.Min Stack
2. Max Stack
3.Valid Parentheses
4.Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation
5.Infix And Prefix and Postfix Conversions
6.Next Greater Element I
7.Next Greater Element II
8.Sliding Window Maximum
9.Gas Station (Circular Tour Problem)
10.Daily Temperatures
11.Decode String
12. Largest Rectangle in Histogram
13. Maximal Rectangle
14. Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses
15. Map of Highest Peak
16. Longest Valid Parentheses
17. Online Stock Span
18. Score of Parentheses
19. Remove K Digits(imp)
20. Design a Stack With Increment Operation
21. Final Prices With a Special Discount in a Shop
22. Valid Parenthesis String
23. Reveal Cards In Increasing Order
24. Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String
25. Number of Visible People in a Queue
26.Number following a pattern