Linked List
Various problems related to Linked List
Problems in this section:-
Basic Implementation of Singly Linked ListBasic Implementation of Doubly Linked List1.Odd-Even Linked List2.Add Two Numbers3. Insert in a Sorted List4.Rotate List5.Palindrome Linked List6.Point of insertion between two Linked List7.Delete Node in a Linked List8.Middle of the Linked List11.Swap Nodes in Pairs9.Linked List Cycle10. Swapping Nodes in a Linked List12.Merge Two Sorted Lists13.Reverse a Linked List14. Reverse Linked List II15.Copy List with Random Pointer16.Remove Duplicates from Sorted List17. Merge k Sorted Lists18. Remove Nth Node From End of List19. Sort List20. Reverse Nodes in k-Group21. Partition ListLast updated