9. Longest Happy String

A string is called happy if it does not have any of the strings 'aaa', 'bbb' or 'ccc' as a substring.

Given three integers a, b and c, return any string s, which satisfies following conditions:

  • s is happy and longest possible.

  • s contains at most a occurrences of the letter 'a', at most b occurrences of the letter 'b' and at most c occurrences of the letter 'c'.

  • s will only contain 'a', 'b' and 'c' letters.

If there is no such string s return the empty string "".

Example 1:

Input: a = 1, b = 1, c = 7
Output: "ccaccbcc"
Explanation: "ccbccacc" would also be a correct answer.

Example 2:

Input: a = 2, b = 2, c = 1
Output: "aabbc"

Example 3:

Input: a = 7, b = 1, c = 0
Output: "aabaa"
Explanation: It's the only correct answer in this case.

Solution: (Greedy and Priority Queue)

Approach: (We greedily choose characters)

  1. while (pq.size()>1)Pop out the first 2 pair who have the max frequency.

  2. Append 2 chars(from pair_one) if size is >= 2 (if (pair_one.count >= 2)), otherwise append only one char.

  3. Append 2 chars (from pair_two) if size is >= 2 and pair_one.count < pair_two.count. Otherwise append only one char.

  4. At the end, check if PQ is empty. If not, append if char is not same.

class Solution
    string longestDiverseString(int a, int b, int c)

        priority_queue<pair<int, char>, vector<pair<int, char>>> pq;
        string res = "";

        if (a > 0)
            pq.push({a, 'a'});

        if (b > 0)
            pq.push({b, 'b'});

        if (c > 0)
            pq.push({c, 'c'});

        while (pq.size() > 1)
            int c1 = pq.top().first;
            char ch1 = pq.top().second;

            if (c1 >= 2)
                res += ch1;
                res += ch1;
                c1 -= 2;
                res += ch1;

            int c2 = pq.top().first;
            char ch2 = pq.top().second;

            if (c2 >= 2 && c2 >= c1)
                res += ch2;
                res += ch2;
                c2 -= 2;
                res += ch2;

            if (c1 > 0)
                pq.push({c1, ch1});

            if (c2 > 0)
                pq.push({c2, ch2});

        if (!pq.empty())

            char ch = res[res.length() - 1];

            if (pq.top().second != ch)

                if (pq.top().first >= 2)
                    res += pq.top().second;
                    res += pq.top().second;
                    res += pq.top().second;

        return res;

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